DRWF Fundraising: Steps challenge
Father and daughter set target of climbing 26,000 steps at their family home to support DRWF.
Raising money during these difficult times has its ups and downs for charities like DRWF and so when we hear from supporters of interesting new ways to raise funds during lockdown, when so many events we had planned have been cancelled, it really is fantastic news!
With many people self-isolating at home during the lockdown period more and more people are overcoming this adversity with new ways to raise money to support their favourite charities.
Chris Rivinus and his daughter set themselves the challenge of climbing up 26,000 steps in their home to support DRWF after finding out a family friend had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
The idea was inspired following the recent Just Giving 2.6 Challenge to ‘Save The UK’s Charities’ fundraising drive – for which DRWF launched our My cup of tea campaign on 26 April.
The challenge began the following day on 27th April and is set to be completed within 30 days.

Chris is staying fit during lockdown and raising money for DRWF
Chris said: “Our family moved to Banbury from London about a year ago. Being in the middle of town, we don’t have much of a back garden. However, the stairs in our place are narrow and steep.
“As we learned about various 2.6 fundraising efforts, we thought that our stairs would offer a worthy arena for a physical challenge… to keep ourselves fit during the lockdown, dry from the rainy weather and raise some money for a good cause all at once.
“My daughter had recently learned about a friend of hers that was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Accordingly, we thought it would be great to lend our efforts to support the Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation. We have a number of friends who are living with diabetes and we would love to see their lives made easier by treatments improving and discovery of a cure.”
And so the challenge was set to climb 26,000 steps of their home – albeit only counting the steps up.
Chris added: “My daughter and I are splitting the load and after the first four days of effort, we can assure you it’s quite a load.
“On Day 1 we climbed from the ground floor to the top bedroom 20 times each. Day 2 was 25 times each. Day 3 was 30. Day 4… well, we were back down to 15 each as both of us were a bit sore! Each climb up represents 21 steps and we estimate we need just over 1,200 trips to the top bedroom to complete the goal. We are 15% of the way there.
“We are giving ourselves a month to complete it. If we can keep the rate per day to something around 30 trips each, we will make that goal easily. I should note that we have had excellent support from friends and family and are already within touching distance of our fundraising goal of £500. So we are really far behind and have to get climbing!”
At the time of writing the total raised has already exceeded that target having raised £578 plus Gift Aid – and there is time to raise more, as the family continue their step challenge.
Karen Scott, Community Fundraiser at DRWF, said: “Thank you so much on behalf of DRWF! We are still supporting our research projects during the COVID-19 health crisis and really appreciate everything you are both doing. Take care and keep on climbing those stairs! You are both amazing.”
Karen added: “DRWF does not receive any government funding and relies on voluntary donations to enable us to continue to support people living with diabetes and those who care for them. We also invest heavily into research some of which is ongoing. We invest 93p from every pound raised into our charity aims and objectives.”
Donate to support the 26,000 step challenge on the JustGiving page here
Find out more about DRWF fundraising here
If you have a fundraising idea and would like to support DRWF we would love to hear from you. Contact us to discuss any ideas by emailing fundraising@drwf.org.uk or call 023 9263 6138
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Find out more about DRWF-funded research here
Find out more about DRWF fundraising here
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