Health literacy in focus on Health Information Week
Health Information Week is a national, multi-sector campaign promoting high-quality information for patients and the public.
DRWF is this week joining other organisations in marking Health Information Week (20-24 January) by pledging our commitment to providing reliable healthcare information.
Health Information Week raises awareness about how to find trusted healthcare information.
A statement from Health Information Week said: “High quality health information can have a huge impact on your ability to stay healthy and manage illnesses effectively, giving you a better quality of life.
“There are a few simple questions you can ask yourself when looking at health information: Where did the information come from? Who produced it? Was it the NHS or a trusted charity or health organisation? Is the information relevant to the UK?
“Health information changes over time – make sure it is up to date.
“It is also a good idea to cross-check information. This means looking to see if it is repeated by more than one reliable source.
“One of the easiest ways to get reliable health information is to use trusted sources. If you see something online always check the source.”
Here at DRWF, we are committed to providing high-quality, clearly communicated, evidence-based healthcare information.
We do this to ensure that people with diabetes can make informed decisions about their health and improve outcomes, safe in the knowledge that our information is trustworthy and reliable.
To this end, we are members of the Patient Information Forum (PIF). An independent, not-for-profit organisation that represents more than 300 organisations across the NHS, voluntary, academic, freelance and commercial sectors.
Health Information Week
PIF provides expert guidance on the production of high-quality health information to support an improved healthcare experience for patients and the public and run the UK-wide quality mark for health information, the PIF TICK.
We believe that trusted health information empowers patients and carers, supporting informed decision-making and self-management, and ultimately improving health outcomes.
This week PIF announced the 150th health information creator to gain the PIF TICK quality mark.
The PIF TICK is the only independently assessed quality mark for print and digital health information. To receive certification, organisations and individuals must show they meet 10 key criteria, including that information is evidence based, up-to-date and easy to use and understand.
Sarah Tutton, Chief Executive at DRWF said: “One of our main charitable activities is the provision of information to enable informed decision making. It’s important that the people we provide information and support to are confident that our literature and advice is reliable and trustworthy.”
DRWF joins certified members including national health charities, NHS Trusts, professional bodies, pharmaceutical companies, private companies and individuals. The recently published PIF TICK directory is a quick and easy way for healthcare professionals to signpost patients to trusted health information.
A statement from PIF said: “People want to know the information they are viewing is trustworthy. Research conducted by Ipsos on behalf of PIF in 2024 found half of UK adults are struggling to access trusted health information. Two in 3 UK adults say independent verification of information would increase trust.”
Sophie Randall, Director at PIF, said: “At a time when the public struggle to find health information they can trust, signposting by health professionals to trusted information creators is crucial. When health professionals see the PIF TICK they can be confident the information they share is evidence based and accessible.”
Read more about DRWF’s commitment to evidence-based health information
Read DRWF diabetes information leaflets
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