Leave a gift to support DRWF during Free Wills Month in October
Free Wills Month offers people aged 55 and over the opportunity to have a simple Will written or updated free of charge.
The scheme uses local solicitors in selected areas around the UK.
There is no obligation to leave a gift in your Will to Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation, but we hope you’ll consider the huge difference it can make.
What a gift to DRWF can do
We will be able to continue supporting medical researchers in their quest for a cure or continue our Wellness Programmes, which support people with all types of diabetes to self-manage their conditions effectively.
Testimonial from Claire Levy, DRWF PR & Communications, who is also living with type 2 diabetes:
“Funding research into new treatments and new technologies has transformed the lives of people living with all forms of diabetes, including myself as someone with type 2 diabetes.
“DRWF has funded some amazing research over the last 23 years, made possible by the very generous donations of our supporters, which has really advanced our knowledge of the different types of diabetes and how to manage and treat it. We will only find a cure through research and your gift could make all the difference.”
How do I take part?
- From 1st October visit the Free Wills Month website or call 0333 022 0396 for details of participating solicitors near you.
- Make an appointment during October with your chosen solicitor, quoting Free Wills Month.
- Appointments are limited, so we recommend booking your appointment with your chosen solicitor as soon as possible.
- Once all the available appointments are booked the campaign will close and this may be before the end of the month.
If you have any queries about amending or making your Will to include Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation, please call Carly Jackson-Smith, our Legacy Administrator on 023 9263 7608 or email
Find out more about Leaving a ‘gift of hope’ in your Will to DRWF, and download our Legacy Form here
Read the NHS Digital report Young people with type 2 diabetes
Support DRWF by making a donation here
Find out more about DRWF-funded research here
Find out more about DRWF fundraising here
For latest update follow DRWF on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
To receive the charity’s latest bulletins as they become available, please sign up here
Read DRWF diabetes information leaflets here
Join the Diabetes Wellness Network here
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