Reminder for people with diabetes to get their flu vaccine this winter
If you are eligible for the free flu vaccine, it is likely you can get the coronavirus (Covid-19) seasonal booster.
The flu vaccine is offered free on the NHS to anyone with a serious long-term health condition, including diabetes.
The flu vaccination is safe and effective and is offered every year through the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu.
Getting both the flu and Covid-19 booster vaccine is recommended as more people are likely to get flu this winter
An NHS statement said: “You are more likely to be seriously ill if you get flu and Covid-19 at the same time. It is safe to have both vaccines at the same time, but you need to book them separately. If you're eligible for either vaccine, you do not need to wait to be contacted to get vaccinated.”
The flu vaccination is important because, while flu is unpleasant for most people, it can be dangerous and even life threatening for some people, particularly those with certain health conditions, including diabetes.
The best time to have your flu vaccine is in the autumn or early winter before flu starts spreading. But you can get your vaccine later.
You can have the NHS flu vaccine at:
- your GP surgery
- a pharmacy offering the service – if you are aged 18 or over
- some maternity services if you are pregnant
Sometimes, you might be offered the flu vaccine at a hospital appointment.
Book or manage a free NHS flu vaccine at a pharmacy
Read more about the flu vaccine via the NHS
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