Study recruitment: Researchers want to hear from mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes
Views of mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy wanted for survey.
Researchers at Bournemouth University are conducting an online survey exploring the perspectives of women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes and whose baby was admitted to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at birth or within the first 28 days of life.
The study is part of an MRes studentship at Bournemouth University.
Researchers said: “The survey has been created as part of a research study to explore women’s experience of their newborn being admitted to NICU and how this makes women feel.
“In particular, for women who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus, how this influenced your experience.
“The number of women diagnosed with gestational diabetes is increasing very quickly. We know from previous research that women experience their newborn’s admission to NICU very differently. This is often because their pregnancies are also very different. However, no research has been undertaken to explore the influence that GDM has on this experience.”
The survey should take around 30 minutes to complete and is available online.
To take part in the study click here
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