HCP Resources Survey
Resources for healthcare professionals
As a registered charity, Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation (DRWF) is always looking to provide the best most informative resources for healthcare professionals to share with people living with diabetes.
We are looking for help in identifying what resources we should be supplying that are of use for healthcare professionals. This includes a review of our existing resources and consideration of new information and formats that would be useful in your professional capacity of looking after people living with diabetes for best self-management of the condition and its complications.
The following survey should only take a few minutes of your time to complete, and we are very grateful for your feedback and any additional comments that can shape our ongoing commitment to providing useful and informative up-to-date resources.
Please note: by completing this survey you give consent for DRWF to process and store the data you provide, for the purposes of reviewing our patient information content.
Thank you for your help.