Camp in the Cloud virtual event for young people with type 1 diabetes
Fully subscribed online event returned offering interactive and educational activities for families with young people living with type 1 diabetes.
DRWF, in collaboration with children’s charity Over The Wall, recently presented Camp in the Cloud - a free to attend interactive, online family camp for children living with type 1 diabetes.
Around 50 families signed up for the Camp in the Cloud Online Virtual Event on Saturday, 15th October – with 120 attendees taking up the full allocation of spaces for this event.
This camp was open to families in England with children aged 0-17 diagnosed with type 1 diabetes - one child in the household must be aged 8-17 years.
Camp in the Cloud is our innovative, inclusive and engaging virtual programme, where families can experience the magic of a residential, serious fun, camp from the comfort of their home.
Families were given exclusive access to the bespoke Camp in the Cloud platform, where they engaged with a mixture of online and real-life activities. There were opportunities to interact in real-time with others who are attending the event, through secure message boards and fun video calls. Families were sent our ‘Seriously Fun Box’ in the post, containing exciting goodies and every single resource they need to participate in the Camp in the Cloud activities.

This virtual camp addressed the needs of all the children with the aim of bringing the magic of the residential camps directly into their homes. For those families who were unable to attend a physical camp this year, Camp in the Cloud offers an amazing opportunity for children to benefit from the activities, meet other children living with type 1 diabetes, make friends and have the chance to share experiences and learn.
"Camp in the Cloud offer free access to the latest help, advice and support in a fun and accessible way.
It was wonderful, earlier this year, to welcome families to our first residential camp for young people with type 1 diabetes, since the pandemic."
DRWF Residential Family Camp – Booking now!
18-20 August 2023
Applications are now open for the residential 2023 Family Camp presented by DRWF in partnership with Over The Wall.
The DRWF and Over The Wall residential family camp is for families of children and young people with type 1 diabetes. It is a two-night residential activity camp with a mix of high and low-intensity activities for all the family to get involved.
The family camp is an excellent opportunity to meet and bond with families living with diabetes.
Over The Wall and DRWF invite the whole family to attend. One child in the household must be aged 8-17.
Don’t miss out and apply for a place for your family today! Visit here
Applications deadline 12th June 2023
Healthcare forms deadline 26th June 2023

Testimonials from parents who attended the Camp in the Cloud virtual type 1 family camp
“The Camp in the Cloud we attended was lots of fun and interesting. The Seriously Fun Box we were sent was amazing and had everything in you could imagine. We were not expecting that at all! It's often hard to keep our son focused when things are virtual, but he thoroughly enjoyed the things we did join in. The OTW and DRWF team members were inclusive, friendly and sending out lots of praise. We joined in the party dances, crafting sessions and magic show and had so much fun. I think the internet was lagging a bit so everyone on screen seemed to be doing different things at different times. It really made us laugh. The Monstrous Halloween Quiz that Lee and Sarah from DRWF did for the parents at the end of the day was a perfect end to a perfect camp.”
“We have absolutely loved our first ever diabetes camp! Thank you so much for having us! The activities were perfectly suited for our girls - we have a five-year age gap (they are seven and 12) but they both joined in everything and absolutely loved it all! The dance party was a lot of fun, unfortunately our eldest went into hypo just before, but she made up for it later on. Many thanks to everyone involved in organising and running today, very much appreciated and so lovely to meet other families living with type 1 diabetes.”
“We can only imagine just how much organisation, care and love went into planning the camp and all the sessions. Our twin daughters, one of which has type 1 diabetes had an amazing time, and the fluffy little pancreas is her new favourite toy. She's called him Mr Pickle!”
Upcoming events for young people living with type 1 diabetes
Watch this space for details coming soon with dates for 2023 events for young people living with type 1 diabetes – see DRWF Events for announcements
Read more about DRWF Events at DRWF Educational and Fundraising Events in 2022: Getting back together again to support people living with diabetes
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